Approve a request or p-card reconciliation

Travel and p-card

How to approve a request or reconciliation in Concur

For a reimbursement request, if you find expenses that don’t comply with travel policy, notify your executive director in writing. They’ll decide how the traveler can be reimbursed for those expenses.

Open the request

Screenshot of the home page with a red rectangle highlighting Required Approvals

From the homepage, select Required Approvals.

If you're approving a reimbursement request or p-card reconciliation, select the Expense Report tab.

Then select the request or reconciliation you want to approve.

Screenshot of Expense Report tab with a pointing hand cursor selecting a reimbursement request from the list

Screenshot of Requests tab with a pointing hand cursor selecting a travel request from the list

If you're approving a travel request, select the Requests tab.

Then select the request you want to approve.

You’re at the approvals summary screen: it shows an overview of the request or reconciliation. This example shows a reimbursement request.

Screenshot of the approvals summary screen

The Exceptions section lists all the warnings and error messages. 

Screenshot of the approval summary screen with a red rectangle highlighting the Exceptions section
Yellow thumbtack next to important information

Alerts are shown with an orange triangle icon. Alerts give information about policy to help you know what to look out for in the request. For example, you might see the alert, "Please include airfare comparison documentation." This means the traveler added personal days to their trip and needed to attach an airfare cost comparison document to their request. You need to make sure that document is attached.

Errors are shown with a red circle icon. In requests and reconciliations that are going through the approval process, errors give information about approvers. For example, you might see the error, "One or more cost objects could not be approved by the right authority..." This means that the budget officer didn't approve the reimbursement request in time and it was bumped to the next approver in the process.

The Expenses section lists all of the expenses.

Screenshot of the approvals summary screen with a red rectangle highlighting the Expenses section
Yellow thumbtack next to important information

You can select an expense to see more details.

Screenshot of the approvals summary screen with a pointing hand cursor selecting an expense from the list

Above the Exceptions section are the menu options: Summary, Details, Receipts, and Print/Email. Now let's review the request!

Screenshot of the approvals summary screen with an arrow pointing to the menu options

Review the report header

Screenshot showing where to select Details and Report Header

From the menu, select Details Report Header.

If you're approving a travel request, it will be labeled Request Header.

A window with the report header details will appear. 

Review all the fields to make sure everything is filled in correctly. Be sure to check if the traveler added personal days to their trip.

If you’re a budget officer, make sure the appropriation unit, unit, and accounting template are correct.


Screenshot of the report header

Screenshot of the report header screen with an arrow pointing to the Save button

When you’re done reviewing the report header, click the blue button Save in the bottom-right corner of the window.

Read all comments

Screenshot of the Expenses section with an arrow pointing to the blue message icon

In the Expenses section, expenses that have comments are marked with a blue message icon.

Hover over the blue message icon to read the comment.

To leave your own comment, select an expense to view the expense details. Enter your comment in the Comment field, then click Save

Screenshot of expense details with an arrow pointing to the Comment field

Review the travel allowance

If you're reviewing a p-card reconciliation, you can skip this step. Go to check each expense.

Yellow thumbtack next to important information

Travelers can’t be reimbursed for personal days or complimentary meals and should exclude those days or meals from their reimbursement request. You need to review the Adjustments window to make sure the traveler excluded days and meals correctly.

Screenshot showing where to select Details and Expenses and Adjustments

From the menu, select Details Expenses & Adjustments.

A window labeled Itinerary will appear.

The Itinerary window shows the traveler's start and end locations and start and end dates.

Click Next

Screenshot of the Itinerary window with an arrow pointing to the Next button

Now you're at the Adjustments window, which shows any meals or lodging the traveler excluded from their request. This window also has a column labeled Use 300 Percent Rule, which should be checked if the traveler needed to book a hotel that cost more than the city's per diem rate.

When you're done reviewing the Adjustments window, click OK.

Screenshot of the Adjustments window with an arrow pointing to the OK button

Yellow thumbtack next to important information

You also need to review the traveler's lodging summary to make sure they won't be reimbursed more than they should.

Screenshot showing where to select Details and Reimbursable allowances summary

From the menu, select Details Reimbursable Allowances Summary.

You're at the Reimbursable Allowances Summary window.

Screenshot of the Reimbursable Allowances Summary window

The Expense Total column shows how much the traveler is requesting to be reimbursed. 

The Statutory Limit column shows the city's per diem rate. In this example, the rate is $107. 

The Allowance Limit column shows how much the traveler is allowed to be reimbursed. In this example, the traveler used the 300 percent rule on the third day so line 3 shows $321.00—3 times the city's per diem rate.

The Above Limit column shows how much the traveler is over their allowed amount. Each line in this column should be $0. In this example, line 2 says $18. This means the traveler didn't itemize the lodging expense correctly. You should open the lodging expense to check all the details. 

Screenshot of the reimbursable allowances window showing a red x next to line 2 in the Above Limit column.

The Reimbursable Amount column shows how much the traveler will be reimbursed.

Check each expense

Yellow thumbtack next to important information

You need to make sure a receipt is attached to each expense and that the information entered in Concur matches the receipt.

If an expense requires additional documentation, you also need to make sure those documents are attached. For example, if the traveler included personal days on their trip, they need to attach a cost comparison to their airfare expense.

Screenshot showing where to select Receipts and View Receipts in new window

Start by opening the receipt images in a new window. 

From the menu, select ReceiptsView Receipts in new window

Now, open the PDF report to compare each expense to the receipt quickly and easily. Watch this video to learn how. You'll also learn how to review the itemizations and allocations on the expenses.

Yellow thumbtack next to important information

If there’s a personal mileage expense, make sure the traveler calculated their miles using the mileage calculator. From the Expenses section, select Personal Car Mileage to open the expense details. Then select Mileage Calculator. A window with a map will appear. If the map is empty, the traveler didn’t use the mileage calculator.

Screenshot of the personal car mileage expense with an arrow pointing to the mileage calculator

Send it back or approve it

If you found any errors in the request, select the Send Back to Employee button.

Screenshot of the approvals summary window with an arrow pointing to the Send Back to Employee button

A window labeled Send Back Report will appear. In the Comments field, write what the traveler needs to change. Then click OK.

Screenshot of the Send Back Report window with an arrow pointing to the Comment field

If there are no errors and the expenses requested for reimbursement followed travel policy, select the Approve button.

Screenshot of the approvals summary screen with an arrow pointing to the Approve button

A window labeled Final Confirmation will appear. Read the message and select Accept.

Screenshot of the Final Confirmation window with a red rectangle highlighting the Accept button

Some approvers have the option Approve & Forward, which lets you to approve the request and then forward it to an extra approver.

This new approver will have 10 days to approve the request before it’s sent to the next approver in the process

Screenshot of the approvals summary screen with an arrow pointing to the Approve and Forward button

A window labeled Approve & Forward Report will appear. In the User-Added Approver field, enter the name of the new approver.

In the Comment field, add any notes the approver will need.

Then click the Accept & Forward button.

Screenshot of the Approve and Forward window