Project Accounting


FIACCT 15-02_12 Project Accounting – Charge Class Entry & Modification

Effective: July 1, 1994


This policy identifies the procedures and responsibility for the initial input and subsequent modification of elements on the Charge Class Table (CHRG).




For the initial entry or modification of a charge code.


Determine the charge classes and standard rate for each that will be used for standard charging on the project charge (PX) transaction.

To add or change an existing Charge Class, send a letter to the Division of Finance outlining the addition or change.

Division of Finance

When a written request to add or change an existing charge class is received, review for completeness. If either the addition or modification can be made, update the table and notify the requestor that the entry is completed. If the addition or modification cannot be made, notify the requestor and state the reason.

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