

FIACCT 11-16_00 Payroll – Employee Name Changes

Effective: April 1, 1996
Revised: March 6, 2017
Reviewed: March 10, 2017


To provide instructions for documenting name changes made for an employee.


A. Each employee’s name in the Payroll System should be the same as the name on his/her social security card. This ensures that the W-2 Form will match the employee’s Social Security Administration’s record so that the employee’s social security wages can be credited to his/her SSA account.

B. Department must not change an employee’s name on the system until it receives a copy of the employee’s social security card with the new name and a completed and signed W-4 form with the new name.

C. Taxing option changes are to be made only by the DAS Division of Finance’s State Payroll Section.




The following steps required in order to change your name on the system:

  1. Apply for a social security card with the new name at the Social Security Administration office.
  2. Complete a W-4 form with the new name.
  3. Provide a copy of the new social security card and the new original W-4 form to the Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM).

    Note: A receipt issued by the Social Security Administration office may be submitted along with the new original W-4, provided a copy of the social security card is forwarded to the Division of Finance Payroll section upon receipt.

Department of Human
Resource Management

  1. Complete the name change using the HR Enterprise system. Print Screen Images of the employee’s old name and the employee’s new name. Note the action is a name change.
  2. Do not make changes to the taxing options. Taxing option changes are to be made only by the DAS Division of Finance’s State Payroll Section.
  3. Send the following forms to the DAS Division of Finance’s State Payroll Section by email at [email protected] or by fax 801-538-3244:

    • Copy of the employee’s social security card or receipt with the new name.
    • Completed and signed new original W-4 form with the new name.
    • Screen print of the HRE views of the name change.

    Note: A receipt issued by the Social Security Administration office may be submitted along with the new original W-4, provided a copy of the social security card is forwarded to the Division of Finance Payroll section upon receipt.

DAS Division of Finance State Payroll Section

Receive and verify the paperwork. If the information is in order, enter the W-4 information on the system. The name is changed when the HR Enterprise system interface is processed in payroll.

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