

FIACCT 08-02_03 Inventory – Inventory Control – Pick and Issue (PI) Process

Effective: March 16, 1998
Revised: June 1, 2009
Reviewed: June 1, 2009


This policy describes the inventory control policies and procedures for performing the Pick and Issue (PI) process. This process produces the PI ticket used to assist warehouse personnel in picking requested material from the shelf.


Consumers request material for anticipated needs through the means of a Stock Requisition (SRQ) transaction or Transfer Request (TRQ) transaction. These are posted to FINET immediately upon transaction update.

Š FINET flags those items that are available by placing them in a reserved status.
Š The back order servicing process places items that are not available from the requesting warehouse on back order status.
Š The PI process prints a pick ticket and generates an associated Issue Confirmation (CI) transaction for each SRQ transaction that has reserved stock items and for the TRQ transaction in reserved status.
Š The Pick and Issue ticket serves as the source document to be signed by the consumers when they receive the items.


The Pick and Issue ticket will be produced and distributed at each warehouse on demand as needed. The PI provides a variety of options:

Š Print New Pick Tickets – The PI transaction submits the Inventory Pick and Issue Order (IN80), which prints pick tickets for selected SRQ and TRQ transactions for the specified warehouse. This option will produce a CI transaction with a Hold status. With the CI scheduling status set to Hold, the consumer must later process the transactions through the Schedule Confirmation Issue Documents for Stock Requisition option listed below, or manually process them according to FINET requirements.
Š Print New Pick Tickets and Schedule CI Docs for SR Docs – This option performs the same function as the first, except the CI transactions are processed during the next nightly cycle. Use this option when picked quantities are confirmed the same day they are picked.
Š Reprint Pick Tickets – This option reprints unconfirmed picks only. CI transactions will not be created and/or updated. The status of the CI transaction will not change.
Š Schedule Confirmation Issue Documents – All SRQ transactions that were picked on a specific date will be processed, and CI transactions scheduled.

When choosing any of the three options listed previously, the consumer must also decide to print one of the options listed below:

Š All Stock Requisitions and Transfer Requests – Pick tickets for all stock and transfer requisitions
that meet the specified criteria;
Š Specific SRQ/TRQ Document Number – A single pick for a selected stock requisition.
Š Specific Delivery Date – A pick ticket for each requisition to be delivered on a specific date.

Walk-in requests for items that are not available can be entered into the system at the requester warehouse as a TRQ transaction.




Advanced Orders:


Enter a SRQ or TRQ transaction for the items needed.

State Agency

Initiate the PI transaction.

Warehouse Personnel

Pick from the shelf the current issue quantities. If there is insufficient stock available to fill the current issue quantity, note the difference manually under the current issue column of the report.


Sign the PI ticket for items received. (Verify quantities on SRQ/TRQ

Warehouse Personnel

If CI, submit the signed PI transaction to Inventory Control for verification and input.

Immediate Orders:


  1. Determine the urgency for the items.
  2. Complete and input a SRQ transaction for those items to be expended when received. If back order servicing is required, complete and input a TRQ transaction for those items to be transferred to another warehouse.
  3. Submit/print an on-demand Pick and Issue transaction.

Warehouse Personnel

  1. Pull and prepare items on the Pick and Issue ticket for shipping.
  2. Have consumer sign the PI ticket for items received.
  3. Submit the signed PI ticket to Inventory Control for verification and input.

Inventory Control/Issuing Warehouse

  1. Review the signed PI transaction. Separate into two categories: Stock Requisitions and Transfer Requests.
  2. Process the SRQ Transactions. Refer to Issue Confirmation (CI) procedure.
  3. Process the TQ transactions. Refer to Confirmation Issue (CI) procedure.
  4. File transactions in a daily folder for future referencing.

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