

FIACCT 08-02_02 Inventory – Direct Charge – Stock Requisition (SRQ) Process

Effective: March 16, 1998
Revised: June 1, 2009
Reviewed: June 1, 2009


This policy describes the inventory control policies and procedures for performing the Stock Requisition (SRQ) process. The SRQ transaction is recorded in FINET as a pre-encumbrance.


An SRQ transaction allows the user to reserve quantities of requested stock items from a particular


SRQ transactions will be used when the need for particular stock items has been anticipated in advance and the items are to be expended at the time received.





  1. Determine anticipated needs.
  2. Reserve items using an SRQ transaction. Enter the SRQ transaction on FINET, or if unable to access FINET, complete a Stock Requisition form, sign, and submit to the warehouse.

Warehouse Personnel

  1. Input Stock Requisition forms into FINET that have not been previously entered.
  2. The SRQ transaction is processed through FINET and resides on the document listing.

Back-Order Servicing

Back-Order Servicing is performed by the Inventory Control System.

Items requested on SRQ transactions that are not available on the Inventory Control System will post to the document with a status of P (partial), or F (full). Partially filled requisitions are serviced before fully back ordered requisitions. Back order quantities are compared to the available quantities. If the available quantity is greater than zero, the back order is serviced. The records are placed in reserved status in the Issue Queue (ISSQ) until the CI is processed.

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