Reconcile a p-card in Concur
Travel and p-card
How to reconcile a p-card in Concur
If you haven't reconciled a p-card before, follow this guide to learn all the steps. If you need to refresh your memory, use the quick links at the top of the page to skip to a specific section.Â
As a reminder, travel requests are labeled "requests" in Concur.
Reimbursement requests and p-card reconciliations are labeled "reports" in Concur.Â
Create a p-card reconciliation
There are 2 ways to create a p-card reconciliation: from the Concur home page or the manage expenses screen.
Option 1: Start your request from the Concur home page
From the home page, click Start a Report at the top of the page.
You’ll see a window labeled Create New Report.
This is the report header. Learn how to fill in the report header.
Option 2: Start your request from manage expenses screen
From the home page, click Home > Expense in the upper-left corner.
You’ll see the Manage Expenses screen. Click Create New Report in the upper-right corner.
You’ll see a window labeled Create New Report.
This is the report header. Learn how to fill in the report header.
Fill in the report header
In the report header window, make sure the Policy field says PCard Policy. Then fill in the rest of the fields.
In the Statement Start Date field, enter the date of the first transaction that will be reconciled.
In the Statement End Date field, enter the date of the last transaction that will be reconciled.
When you’ve filled in all the fields, click Create Report in the bottom-right corner.
You’ll see the Add Expense screen. Learn how to add your expenses.
Add your p-card expenses
From the Add Expense screen, click the blue button Add Expense.
Click the Available Expenses tab and select the expenses you want to add to your reconciliation.
Click Add to Report in the bottom right.
The expenses are added but have red x icons next to them, which means there are errors. You need to add more details to the expenses to fix the errors.
Click anywhere on the expense line to open the data entry screen.
Under Expense Type, select the correct expense from the drop-down menu. For this example, we’ll select Office Supplies and Materials.
Make sure you choose the correct expense type when you add an expense to your p-card reconciliation. If the expense type is wrong, the expense will have the wrong object code when it’s uploaded to the state’s accounting system.
If you’re not sure what expense type to choose, ask your supervisor.
Fill in the rest of the fields.
1. In the Business Purpose field, explain why you made this purchase.
2. In the Receive Date & Receive Person field, enter the date the item was received at the office and the person who received the item.
3. If the state has a contract with the vendor, enter the contract number in the Contract Number field.
4. In the Comment field, write any comments you’d like the approvers to see. This is field is optional. Follow your agency’s guidance for how to fill in the Comment field.
5. Add the receipt. Learn how to attach a receipt.
If items on the receipt have different expense types, itemize the expense.
For example, if you bought office supplies and personal protective equipment at the same time, you need to itemize the expense. Learn how to itemize an expense.
If the expense needs to be assigned to multiple accounting templates, allocate the expense.
For example, if the expense needs to be divided between 2 divisions, you need to allocate the expense. Learn how to allocate an expense.
When the expense is complete, click Save Expense.
Back at the Add Expense screen, you’ll see the error is gone and the expense is now labeled correctly. The square icon shows that a receipt is attached.
Repeat the same steps with all your expenses.
How to attach a receipt
You need to attach an itemized receipt or other sufficient documentation to each expense in your p-card reconciliation. If you don’t have sufficient documentation, you need to use the missing receipt affidavit.
When you add an expense, you’ll see a data entry screen where you can add details about the expense.
After you fill in the fields, click the blue button Add Receipt.
Click the button Upload New Receipt to browse your files for the image.
Or drag and drop the image into the blank space under the button.
When the receipt is attached, you’ll see it displayed in the Receipt box.
If you need to add more supporting documents, click Add.
If you have multiple documents attached to an expense and try to delete one, all of the other attached receipts and documents will be deleted, and you’ll need to upload them again.
When the expense is complete, click Save Expense.
The expense has been added to your reimbursement request. The square icon shows that the receipt is attached.
How to use the missing receipt affidavit
In the Add Expense screen, expenses that need a receipt are marked with the attach receipt icon, which is a blue square with an arrow inside.
Click the attach receipt icon.
In the Attach Receipt window, click the blue text Missing Receipt Declaration.
Select the expense that you don’t have a receipt for, read the statement, and click Accept & Create.
You’re back at the Add Expense screen, and the attach receipt icon has changed into the missing receipt icon, which is a black stamp.
How to itemize an expense
If items on a receipt have different expense types, you need to itemize the expense.
For example, if you bought office supplies and personal protective equipment at the same time, you need to itemize the expense to make sure the cost of each item is recorded correctly when it’s uploaded to the state’s accounting software.
In the data entry screen for the expense, click the Itemizations tab.
Click Create Itemization.
From the Expense Type drop-down menu, select the correct expense type for the first item on your receipt.
For this example, we’ll select Office Supplies and Materials.
Most fields are filled in automatically. You can change any information if you need to.
In the Amount field, enter the total cost of all the items on the receipt that count as office supplies and materials.
For this example, we’ll enter $200.
If there’s any sales tax, add it to one of the itemizations—it doesn’t matter which one. For example, if the receipt shows $7.56 in sales tax and your first itemization is $25, add the sales tax to that amount. So you would enter $32.56 in the Amount field.
Click Save Itemization in the upper-right corner.
The itemization is added! The remaining balance of the receipt is marked with a red x icon.
You need to itemize the other items on the receipt until the remaining balance is $0.00.
How to add another itemization
Click the blue button Create Itemization.
From the Expense Type drop-down menu, select the correct expense type for the next item on your receipt.
For this example, we’ll select Personal Protective Clothing & Equipment.
In the Amount field, enter the total cost of all the items on the receipt that count as personal protective clothing and equipment.
For this example, we’ll enter $395.
Click Save Itemization in the upper-right corner.
The itemization is added! When everything is itemized correctly, you’ll see a green check mark with a remaining balance of $0.00.
If this expense is complete, click Save Expense.
Back at the Add Expense screen, you’ll see the expense is labeled "Itemized" under the total. If you click the drop-down arrow, you’ll see the details of the itemizations.
How to allocate an expense
The accounting template allows expenses to be automatically recorded in the state’s accounting software. If an expense needs to be assigned to multiple accounting templates, you need to allocate the expense.
For example, if an administrative assistant buys printer paper for a printer that’s shared by the Division of Finance and the Division of Purchasing, the expense needs to be divided so that Finance pays for 50% and Purchasing pays for 50%.
Assigning different accounting templates is how you divide the expense and make sure it’s recorded correctly in the state’s accounting software.
You can allocate the total expense or you can allocate just 1 item on the receipt.
If you need to allocate the total expense, click the Details tab in the data entry screen of the expense, then click blue text Allocate.
If you need to allocate just 1 item on the receipt, click the Itemizations tab. Select the item that needs to be allocated and click Allocate.
You’ll see a window labeled Allocate.
If you want to allocate a percentage of the expense to a different accounting template, choose Percent.
If you want to allocate a specific dollar amount, choose Amount,
For this example, we’ll choose Percent.
Click the blue button Add.
You’ll see a window labeled Add Allocation.
Fill in the fields, then click Save.
Back at the Allocate window, you’ll see the allocation listed.
In the Percent % field, enter what percentage of the expense you want allocated to this accounting template.
For this example, we’ll enter 50.
Click Save in the bottom-right corner.
Back at the data entry screen, click Save Expense in the upper-right corner.
Back at the Add Expense screen, you’ll see the expense is labeled "Allocated" under the total.
Alerts and errors
Alerts and errors appear at the top of your p-card reconciliation.
Alerts are represented with the orange triangle icon. Alerts give helpful information about policy and appear even if you’ve followed policy. Alerts don’t go away.
For example, if you bought desktop computers and the total was over $5000, you’ll see a warning asking if you followed procurement rules. This is just a reminder and will still appear even if you did everything correctly.
You can submit your p-card reconciliation if you see an alert.
Errors are represented with the red circle icon. An error icon means there‘s a problem with your reimbursement request that needs to be fixed before you can submit it. Once you fix the problem, the error message will disappear.
You can’t submit your p-card reconciliation if you see an error.
Submit the p-card reconciliation
From the Add Expense screen, click the blue button Submit Report in the upper right.
You’ll see a pop-up window labeled User Electronic Agreement. Read it and click Accept & Continue.
You’ll see another pop-up window labeled Report Totals.
Check that the information is correct and click Submit Report.
A pop-up window labeled Report Status will appear.
Your p-card reconciliation is submitted!
Click Close.
Your p-card reconciliation now appears in the Manage Expenses screen. It shows that it has been submitted and is pending cost object approval, which means it’s been sent to the budget officer for approval.
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