

FIACCT 05-03_10 Payments – Employee reimbursements – retirement refreshments

Effective: April 1, 1996
Revised: August 24, 2021
Reviewed: August 24, 2021


This policy explains how to request payment for refreshments for retirement functions.


A. Refreshments – Agencies may serve refreshments at retirement functions.
 Retirement Functions – The cost of the refreshments should not exceed $10.00 per person, based on estimated attendance. The agency director may approve up to $300.00 without considering the $10.00 limit if the group is small and the $10.00 per person limit will not be adequate.

Note: If the total cost of refreshments is over $1,000, State Purchasing rules are applicable. Refer to the policies on Purchases from $1,001 to 5,000 – Overview and Purchases over 5,000 – Overview in the PURCHASING section of this manual.

 Invitations Decorations, and Entertainment – Agencies may not use state funds for floral
arrangements, printed invitations, entertainment, etc. They may send invitations using flyers,
letterhead, etc.

B. Expenditure Object Codes – Charge all non-taxable costs associated with this policy to expenditure object code 6270, Employee Recognition.





Determine the best payment method for purchasing the refreshments – p- card, check or employee reimbursement. Ensure compliance with State Purchasing rules, as applicable.

For p-cards: Authorized p-card holder purchase refreshments. Retain and include proper supporting documentation in the monthly p-card

For checks: Prepare a GAX or PRC, Form FI 50 (optional). Enter the GAX or PRC in the FINET System. Obtain necessary approvals. The payment should be made payable to the vendor for the purchase of the refreshments. Use expenditure object code 6270.

For employee reimbursement: Use Form FI 50, and enter in the FINET System as a GAX or PRC transaction. The payment should be made payable to the employee for the purchase of the refreshments, using the vendor code 000000 and the employee’s address. Attach the receipts to the payment documents.

If the employee is paid before purchasing the refreshments, the employee must submit the receipts and any unused funds after purchasing the refreshments. The expense receipts and a copy of the cash receipt for any unused funds should be attached to the original GAX or PRC

Division of Finance

Generate a check, it applicable. Send the check to the address on the request.

Post-audit in accordance with state policy.

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